Monday, 4 May 2015

A New Generation of E-Learning and Online Training

Online Education Evolves? In the massive growing online community of web users, the internet is becoming more of an educational tool than ever before. Yes you can find silly videos and hours of entertainment on sites like YouTube, and MySpace, but with Web 2.0 useful information is now literally at your fingertips. The internet has always been a massive data center of information, but more recently it is becoming more organized and targeted into specific niche categories. With sites like and other social bookmarking sites, extremely popular articles and information is now being pushed to the front-end. With podcasts, RSS feeds, vlogs, YouTube videos and every other media stream associated with Web 2.0, the internet is evolving into an online educational portal. With any major search engine such as, Google, Yahoo, or MSN you can find information on almost any topic. It only makes sense to use the internet as a virtual training center for all types of information.
What is E-learning? E-Learning is basically the same thing as learning except that you do it electronically. Rather than sticking to traditional methods such as reading books, sitting in a classroom, or listening to teacher speak, e-learning gives you all these things in the comfort of your own home. E-learning can consist of video tutorials, podcasts, RSS feeds, blogs, and email newsletters to name a few. Electronic Education is the future of all education. Paperback books have turned into PDFs, audio CDs have now turned into MP3s, videos are streaming all over the web, and the best thing is, it is all portable.
What are the Advantages of E-learning? Well, the most obvious advantage is that you don't have to travel. You can sit in the comfort of your own home and gain all the knowledge you like about any subject of interest. Another huge advantage of e-learning is that you can work at your own pace. Rather than taking assignments from instructors and trying to meet deadlines for term papers, e-learning gives you all the tools you need with only a click of a mouse. Another huge advantage of e-learning is, it is portable. With laptops, i-Pods, and other wireless devices, you literally have a portable classroom. Whether you want to catch up on some audio tutorials while you lift weights at the Gym, or watch streaming videos while sipping on coffee at Starbucks, your personal educational system can be taken anywhere. Personally, I like the idea of a self-paced class, where you can listen when you want and turn it off when you need to. Remember the days when you fell asleep in the back of History class? Okay, I think I made my point.
What are the Disadvantages of E-learning? Well, I guess it is a matter of opinion, but there really isn't too many major disadvantages. One possible problem with online education is the lack of human interactivity. Most online education programs only allow you to download tutorials and lengthy documentation that you have to sift through. Sometimes just listening to a human being speak is easier, but then again there are audio and video tutorials available all over the internet. Online educational programs can also become difficult when you don't have direct support. If you don't have a person to ask questions, it's difficult to get through the rough spots. How about lack of self motivation? Yes, this can become a huge problem for the slackers, slow-starters and procrastinators. I know myself, I even procrastinate from time to time. At least with some online educational programs, there are deadlines to be met. A student must take certain tests and turn in written papers on time. These types of scenarios are great because there is still a sense of urgency, which will push slacker mentality all the way to the end. Additionally, not following through with an online educational program is just as terrible as not showing up to class.
The Future of E-learning. With the internet evolving at an accelerated rate, there is no end-in-site, to what will happen with online training, webinars, online consulting and any other type of e-learning system. As we move into the future more colleges and universities have begun to adopt this new way of education. Books will be thrown out and replaced with PDFs and other download formats. Term papers will be turned in over email and never printed out. Teachers will talk to their students virtually, allowing students to gain knowledge from anywhere in the world. There really is unlimited possibilities with online education and e-learning. Soon colleges and universities all over the globe will be adopting electronic learning as their primary way of education. Brick and mortar campus buildings will slowly disappear because there will be no need to attend school in person. If you can get a degree on your own time schedule while traveling the world or sipping coffee at your local coffee house, why would you waste your time driving to a college campus? Just as the internet has taken over other industries, it will eventually consume the future of education.

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Creative Problem Solving in Perspective - Professional Services

This paper seeks to explore and understand the value of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) in business, how it relates to the field of consultancy and some opportunities open to any CPS practitioner for future development. The approach will be not only of defining the most valuable aspects but to suggest some of the ways to convey its meaning to the client.
CPS: The need to redefine oneself
Unfortunately the label "Creative Problem Solving" has not made justice to itself since the model does not only solve current "problems" but also present and future challenges. This is not semantic frivolity. In the minds of businessmen around the world problems and opportunities or challenges are distinct issues. Moreover, the word 'creativity' does not have the same impact as 'innovation' in the mind of the executive even though creativity is the backbone of innovation and creativity consultants have facilitated innovation processes in companies. It is the duty of the consultant to give a brief introduction to the concepts to enlarge the definition of creativity in the mind of the client, which is likely to be influenced by some sort of bias, e.g. this is related to art or unimportant and irrelevant.
CPS: a simple, flexible, eclectic, holistic and transferable process
CPS tackles its talk from a four-pronged approach. First, it involves a simple three stage model: exploration, ideation and implementation. The consultant will have to decide what the most suitable starting point in the process is. However, the understanding of these three parts is very useful in working out the problem as they interrelate. For instance, ideas produced at the ideation stage can give you an idea of the nature of the problem (exploration phase) or about potential obstacles to the application of the solution (implementation phase). After spending two sessions with a client of mine involved in real estate exploring the problem (marketing real estate) we started the ideation phase. At the end of the session the client finally found out the main approach he wanted to give to his ideation: building trust with customers giving a 'family feeling' to the business. The eclecticism of the system is shown as it allows the flexibility to use over 200 different thinking tools to diverge (generation of ideas) and converge (selection of ideas).
Second, CPS introduces the basic thinking principles of divergence and convergence. The search for alternatives, being one of the main characteristics of creative thinking, contributes to make the best out of the three stages as group members come up with different ideas following certain guidelines. In convergence, the client or the group select ideas using tools to sort and assess them to find the best ones also following certain guidelines.
Thirdly, CPS offers guidelines that have been proven to enhance creativity for both divergence and convergence processes (Parnes, 1986). These concepts need to be explained carefully to the client. For example differing judgment includes more than criticizing someone else's ideas. It is also about self-criticism and even about judging our judgments (Ray, 1986). This principle is also used in other models such as the McKinsey problem solving method. It is not only a matter of judgment but also of "leaving the preconceptions and prejudices at the door" (Rasiel, 1999). Linking CPS practices to other reputable models will also help the client understand and build credibility. The principle of "going for quantity" also needs to be explained in the light of Alex Osborn's research in his book Applied Imagination (1963) and supplemented by other research in the field (Parnes, 1986 and Bassadur, 1982). Clients are not usually looking for a research paper full of references and theory but they will ask directly or pose an implicit demand for some sort of external validation. This external validation should be composed of:
  1. A clear and well defined explanation of terms and some data to show that the point has been researched and proven.
  2. A quote from popular researchers that they know (conceptual testimonial).
  3. Examples of how this method has been used successfully by companies in the same industry or related fields.
  4. A testimonial from past customers (usually senior management is preferred) about their satisfaction using the process (experiential testimonial).
The client will then require some sort of internal validation. This is a process that can start at the presentation with some practical examples to prove your point so the client has a hands-on experience with parts of the process. The internal validation will continue throughout the whole process where the client needs to understand and see the value of what is happening. They need to buy in the process not only at the end but during the different stages.
A consultant can use the CPS framework to use a series of thinking tools that will be effective in divergence and convergence depending on the stage of the process, the type of the problem and maybe even the composition of the group. For instance, an experienced consultant will try low risk tools first to build up trust and check with the client about the suitability and novelty of ideas. If the CPS consultant presents the brainstorming tool it would be important for him to distinguish between what it is and what is commonly understood: the use of a process involving invitational stems (statement starters), recording of ideas, timing idea generation, guidelines, a facilitator... instead of just "discussing ideas."
Finally, the CPS consultant should stress the transferable nature of the methodology as the company trainers could well learn the skills and facilitate and train employees in different departments.
CPS and exploring the problem: paradigm stretching vs. paradigm breaking
This structured approach may not be familiar to the client since the conventional practice to approach a problem is to discuss solutions. It is therefore essential to explain the importance of exploring the problem. This stage is used by famous thinkers: quoting them about problem exploration, e.g. "We can't solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."(A. Einstein) could be useful. Since some other systems and companies also make use of this stage in one way or another it could help develop the understanding to compare it or connect it in a purposeful way. For instance, in the McKinsey method 'framing the problem' is specially designed to the business problem 'susceptible to rigorous-based analysis' (Rasiel, 2001).
Moreover, giving examples on how redefining the problem has been useful to companies will help the client understand the value of CPS. The aim is to explain and illustrate that "the aim is to find the root cause of the problem - not necessarily the one that is immediately apparent" (Johnston, 2001, Ohmae 2001). The participants will therefore enhance their creative thinking skills by "seeing what no one else is seeing" (Michalko, 2001).
Once the problem has been explored the consultant will able to assess the confines of the paradigms where the company is working and discuss with the client the approach that he wants to take. The consultant needs to make it clear that CPS can be used both to bring novelty within the business paradigm and can be used to uncover new ones. For instance Bob Johnston and Doug Bate in their book The Power of Strategy Innovation propose a CPS-based model that deals not with solving current problems of the company but finding new ways to:
    a) shift a corporation's business strategy in order to create new value for both the customer and the corporation. b) apply innovative thinking to the business model. c) increase your competitive advantage. (Johnston, 2003)
CPS and ideation: connecting imagination to logic (a careful selection of multiple and varied options)
The use of the power of imagination for innovation is one of the most important selling points of CPS. The issue of the meaning of novelty and usefulness will be defined by the client, so it is important to find out the paradigmatic parameters that the client would like to use in order to generate focused ideas. This may not curtail the novelty of the ideas but determine the type of novelty that the client requires. In terms of tools, it is not as important for a consultant to know tens of tools as much as to be an expert in using and training participants about the tools. Some of the high-level risk tools may need not only training, but also the adequate atmosphere. The consultant may be able to do this by leading the group through some process related exercises. For instance, one consultant expert, Dr Andrei Aleinikov spends the first full day out of a four-day program only creating the psychological climate to introduce the tools. The participants get to know and practice tools only when there is a psychological climate characterized by openness and trust. This knowledge about group dynamics is essential for the CPS consultant to have a successful session and it is part of the value he provides. In a way CPS contributes to team-building.
The value behind CPS ideation stage is that groups that have received CPS training produce significantly more ideas than untrained groups (Firestein, 1987). This is a confirmation of the research included by Osborn (developer of the brainstorming technique) in his pioneering book Applied Imagination, where he states that groups that produce more ideas also come up with better ideas (Osborn, 1963). It also confirms the research carried by Parnes a decade later in the "Creative Studies Project" where he shows an improvement in divergent production in 13 out of 14 tests administered to the students (Parnes, 1987) as well as an improvement in the convergent production (ideas assessment and selection). This research provides external validation to the value of CPS consultancy for the improvement of idea generation in quality and quantity as well as idea selection, that is, specific value for the client that is looking for innovation.
The usefulness of creativity measures to CPS Consultants
An underestimated tool that can build value to CPS consultants is the FourSight measure of cognitive styles. By defining these preferences from a CPS perspective the measure corroborates a type of thinking process. In other words, the research behind FourSight validates indirectly CPS as it is based on the natural thinking preferences of people. What CPS does is to add order and value to a process that is already being used in different ways. On the one hand participants taking FourSight will get greater understanding on the CPS process. On the other hand they will be less judgmental on themselves once they find their preferences and would look at any area of weakness (clarification, ideation, development or implementation) as an area for improvement.
The application of other measures by the consultant will add to his understanding of the group and the group itself will benefit of a different level of awareness. Measures such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or Kirton's Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) could be helpful in this regard (as far as it concerns creativity). Other measures regarding creativity or leadership could be useful depending on the client's needs.
Some useful tips for CPS Consultants
  1. Being open and honest. In the minds of many consultants is the question "how to avoid having to say 'I don't know' and make people believe that I know what I am talking about." Some other people have called this technique 'smoking the client.' However, being honest pays off. If you know what you know and your client knows that and appreciates that then admitting sometimes that you have not a clue may build your credibility. Ethan M. Rasiel, ex-McKinsey staff, admits that behaving that way will be less costly than bluffing (Rasiel, 1999). To begin with the clarity of objectives, the reasons for the exercises and the method used will give the group confidence that the consultant know what he is doing. Talking about the breadth and width of the discipline of creativity will help the group see questions in context. And finally, referring some questions to the group or asking the group for help to problem solve the questions may be of help to illustrate the practical application of the model to the session itself (Grossman, 1982).
  2. Modeling the behavior you are asking for. (Grossman, 1982) In what ways can you apply principles taught in the course to the process itself? For instance, if you teach "Deferred judgment" do you defer judgment yourself? And if you catch yourself being self-critical can you bring it up as an example of a block to creativity? The process of internalizing or integrating knowledge is helped not only by exposition and practical exercises but also by observing a behavior that follows these principles.
  3. Enhance and assess self-empowerment. Self-empowerment will happen as the result of internal validation. This is the "ability or willingness of participants to pick up a concept and integrate it internally without the crutch of external validation." It is about the learner's attitude to apply the concept. The participant awareness and responsibility is shifted from the instructor to himself providing an increase in motivation and curiosity, important factors in the creative process (Harriman, 2003). To be able to notice and record the application by students of key concepts will provide the consultant with excellent data (that may be used in later marketing) regarding the effects of the training he provides.
  4. Be aware of learning differences. Participants process information differently. It is therefore useful to note the learning styles of participants and provide venues for them to enhance learning. A prior assessment using the PEPS test or any other suitable measure (Participant's Survey Form by Ned Herrmann)would be helpful for the participants. (Grossman, 1982)
  5. Excel at interaction. One of the ways the consultant acting as a facilitator can increase interaction is by working with a co-facilitator. This would help to read the group better, provide more useful answers, a different point of view, greater openness and a better assessment method so that the training can be refined more accurately even as it is taking place. (Grossman, 1982)
  6. Learn from experienced consultants. Mick Cope in his book "The Seven Cs of Consulting: Your complete blueprint for any consultancy assignment" gives a detailed workable plan about the consultancy business. It includes the client, clarify, create, change, confirm, continue and close (Cope, 2003). Alan Weiss also provides an excellent view of the elements that make an expert consultant including very valuable tips on how to contact, contract and build relationships with the significant buyers (Weiss, 2001). The same author provides other insights about consultancy in his book "Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional's Guide to Growing a Practice" differentiating on the value of consultancy: content, expertise, knowledge, behavior and special skills. (Weiss, 2002). A creativity consultant would belong to the behavior category. Weiss explains this giving a different perspective on this type of consultancy.
Areas for development for CPS Consultants
Building climate, building teams
A very important aspect to improve success and therefore value in the application of CPS is to create the right climate and build teams. Any professional development in those areas will help the CPS consultant to create a conducive climate for innovation and affect the working process of the group. This climate can automatically allow new employees to express their creative talents and become part of a group in a shorter time than with conventional methods. It will also foster behavioral changes as employees adapt to a new creative culture.
Connecting to related fields
The study of other subjects such as motivation, curiosity, fear, judgment, risk, paradigms...can be beneficial to give the client a greater understanding and also to be able to modify and custom-make tools for clients according to the consultant's view of the psychological framework. Finding out paradigms could help the consultant as he could understand together with the client the low-risk and high-risk paradigms. Any question that challenges the paradigm according to the client will produce novel ideas. Paradigm finding is therefore a tool in the hands of the consultant to stimulate creativity.
Connecting to consultants
Since the field of behavioral consultancy is so wide, it would be helpful for the CPS consultant to cooperate with other consultants in related fields to provide a more comprehensive service. For instance, there are many profiling instruments in the Human Resource service industry. Some of them could complement creativity sessions as they tackle behavioral issues from different viewpoints.
Connecting to business
The CPS consultant's connection to the company can be done at different levels. Many times very satisfied participants or customers may want to refer your business to others if you have developed a strong relationship, or they will be contacting you if they need further training or facilitation. This is proof of your value.
Apart from that level a consultant can help a business by answering this question:
How can businesses, suppliers and customers work together more efficiently?
A working process that can bring together executives from different businesses in order to improve their working relationship is bound to improve their effectiveness. In this way the CPS consultant could provide sessions with customers and executives from a company in order to understand the value of the product of that company and any further improvements that could be very much in demand form the customers. Such a think-tank system has been the practice for companies such as E-Bay. Or the consultant could bring a series of suppliers together for a session with the client. Suppliers would then be helping each other to better service their clients.
Connecting to cultures, diversity in groups
Another area where the CPS consultant can help develop business is to understand different cultural thinking and creative methods and values. In this way he could benefit from a multi-cultural group perspective to solve certain problems. Some multinationals face problems dealing with cultural issues, especially implementing directives form the headquarters. In any case companies would also appreciate diversified idea generation to tackle their problems more creatively.
There is not much question about the very good value that Creative Problem Solving can provide a company. The difficulty lies in how to communicate this value to the client in a way that is useful and relevant for him. Any such attempt has to take into consideration the possible negative connotations of words such as: consultant, creativity, problem and brainstorming. Words such as expert, innovation, challenge, strategy and ideation may be received more warmly.
The communication of value is done through external (research, testimonials, quotations...) as well as internal (client's use) validation. The CPS consultant should in as much as he can get the client involved experientially in something relevant to his business. The client could therefore get a taste of the consultancy. The value of CPS is so wide that if fully explained can be a bit overwhelming to the client. It is the skill of the consultant to find out the value that the client is seeking to see in how many ways he can use CPS to meet that need.
Finally the CPS consultant can enhance value by developing his skills including certification in complementary disciplines or areas (from business strategy to emotional intelligence) and working with other consultants.
Basadur, M.S., Graen, G.B. and Green, S.G. (1982). Training in creative
problem solving: Effects on ideation and problem finding in an applied
research organization. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 30,
Cope, Mick . (2003) The seven Cs of consulting: Your complete blueprint for any consultancy assignment. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Firestein, R. (1987) Effects of creative problem solving training on communication behaviours and quality of ideas generated in small groups. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. Graduate School of State University of New York at Buffalo.
Grossman, S. (1982). Training Creativity and Creative Problem-Solving. Training and Development Journal.
Harriman, R and Mauzy J. (2003). Creativity Inc. Building an inventive organization. Harvard Business School Press. Boston. MA
Johnston, D. (2001). Enter the think-tank. Professional Engineering Magazine. London, UK.
Johnston, R and Bate, D. (2003). The power of strategy innovation. Amacom. New York.
Michalko, M. (2001). Cracking creativity. Ten Speed Press. Berkeley, California.
Ohmae, Kenichi. (2001). The mind of the strategist: The Art of Japanese Business. McGraw-Hill.
Osborn, A. (1963). Applied imagination. Third Edition. New York, Scribners & Sons.
Parnes, S. (1987) The Creative Studies Project. In S.G. Isaksen (Ed). Frontiers of Creativity research: Beyond the basics. Bearly Limited. New York
Rasiel, E. M. (1999). The McKinsey way. McGraw-Hill. New York
Rasiel, E. M (2001). The McKinsey mind: Understanding and implementing the problem-solving tools and management techniques of the world's top strategic firm. McGraw-Hill. New York.
Ray, M and Myers, R. (1986). Creativity in Business. Doubleday. New York.
Weiss, A. (2001). The ultimate consultant. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer. San Francisco, California.

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Writing a cv can be daunting, specifically for a university senior or recent graduate. It might appear like an impossible personal undertaking. It is extremely comparable to composing a term paper. This can be a genuine challenge. Producing a cv is definitely a craft that will need large amount of thought and takes considerable time.
Writing a cv is best accomplished one step at a time. It truly is more than simply itemizing a collection of qualifications or special skills. In addition to the cv a cover letter must be produced. Too many job seekers make the crucial miscalculation of overlooking the value of a well-crafted cover letter. Writing the ideal cv for yourself is challenging enough without including items that are going to alarm an prospective employer. Composing a cv may well seem like a overwhelming undertaking and many people decide to pay another person to do it for them.
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Writer's Block - 3 Techniques for Overcoming Being Blocked

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, at one time or another, anyone who strings words together will likely encounter some form of writer's block. For most people, writer's block isn't as devastating as it was for classic writers like Melville, Fitzgerald and many other famous authors in the last century. If you suffer from writer's block, you're in good company.
Fortunately, you don't have to stay blocked. Here are three techniques for overcoming this writer's bane.
1. Free write
Set a timer for five minutes. That much time may seem interminable at first, especially when you think you have nothing to say. Almost everyone feels this way, so don't panic. The technique can work for YOU, too. Begin by writing anything - hence the term "free" writing. Whatever comes to mind is all you need to go with, including:
  • "I don't have any idea what to write."
  • "This feels stupid."
  • "I must be the world's worst writer."
Allow your mind to drift into a stream-of-consciousness state where nothing has to mean anything or connect to other thoughts. Let your fingers -- if you're typing -- or your hand -- if you're using a pen -- be led by this stream of consciousness directly from your brain.
For more suggestions of what to type to prime the pump try:
  • "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
  • "Four score and seven years ago... "and as much of the Gettysburg Address you remember.
If you still have more minutes left on the timer, try remembering:
  • The Lord's Prayer, The Apostles' Creed, The Beatitudes
  • Anything you ever memorized in school
Chances are, something you write will spark an idea. It might only be a phrase that sets your imagination soaring. Then go with that.
2. Change your mindset.
Think of a blank page as a pristine canvas for you to paint upon with any color, any subject matter, any tool. The sky's the limit. No restrictions, no rules. You cannot write anything that is wrong, since you get to make it up as you go along, plagiarize, quote or invent. You're not writing for publication here. You're just trying to get the words flowing, kind of like priming an old-fashioned pump by pouring in some water first.
If it helps, look at a painting or a serigraph print. Imagine what the artist thought when faced with a blank canvas. Where did he or she start? With a paper sketch? With charcoal directly on the canvas to lay out the perspective? How can this help you in planning what to write? Well, if nothing else, maybe the painting will inspire you! The point is to ask yourself questions, because your mind is programmed to answer them. It's how we're wired. Our minds will come up with answers, even if they are illogical, impractical or incorrect.
Remember, you can write in any style, any voice, any viewpoint. Your story can be set in any time, any place, any genre.
3. Limit Yourself
Ah, but do you have too many choices on a totally blank canvas? Then limit yourself. And if you start to rebel against restriction, that's all right. If removing a restriction will fuel your creative self, then remove it. But don't do it too quickly. You may find a way around restriction that will be a more interesting, or even brilliant, approach.
Limit yourself through form
How about a sonnet -- talk about your restrictive format! Or something more accessible, like a limerick?
There once was a woman named Shelly
Who had such a lovely, flat belly,
She was envied by all
'Til she had a great "fall,"
For she started to "pig out" on jelly.
You see, it needn't be good. The idea is to just get started writing something.
Limit yourself through genre
Maybe you decide on a genre first. That's good, because this defines your audience, and writing is futile without an audience, unless you are keeping a journal. That's a record of your thoughts, meant for you alone. (NOTE: Journaling is also another way to break through a blockage.)
Limit yourself by writing about one character
This can be a protagonist, antagonist, secondary character, sidekick, what have you. Write a biographical sketch, including brief family tree, childhood, education or lack thereof, profession, etc. That should get your creativity flowing. Describe an incident that stands out in the character's mind, perhaps even one that defines the person s/he has become.
Limit yourself with a time period / era
It should be one you know something about, and one which resonates with emotion. Possible Baby Boomer eras could be the time of Beatniks, Hippies, Psychedelic Sixties, Viet Nam, Civil Rights Movement, Sexual Revolution, Women's Movement, Green Movement, Folk era, Rock era, post-Beatles, etc.
Not a Boomer? Not a problem. Wax nostalgic about your childhood -- traumas and delicious memories alike -- about the good old days (whenever they were), and focus on societal conflicts -- anything that divided people and their opinions. If you're a history buff, pick your favorite epoch. Whatever time period you choose, start writing!

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The Need For College Research Papers

The linear education approach has manifested in a form that takes a toddler from the pre-nursery stages to that of post graduation. However, the aptitude of the child and the availability of resources to educate, determine the extent possible. For those who make an honest attempt, there are a number of online and offline resources that dedicatedly make matter available on the specific requirements of the student community.
College students and even those in high school do much better when they are able to access past papers and research performances within the sphere of influence of the various subjects offered at the graduate and the post graduate levels. The college research papers are accessed by the various mediums, addressed subject wise and on the basis of the marks allotted to each paper, compiled and bound and printed in a comprehensive form.
The approach:
These volumes are marketed and further researched upon. College research papers are easily accessible at a number of virtual outlets and even online. The main aim behind the adopted design of the exercise is to add to the existent availability of material for earnest college students to pursue their education, resorting to the right channels and adhering to the topics and subject matter allotted.
The student community however, needs to be updated with the regular updates on the versions marketed and hence, the papers that are made available to college students are consistently included with the previous paper additions. The various resources that address the requirement of the student community to be able to access the past college papers also keep in mind every change in syllabus, course inclusions and the adopted marking schemes and presentation.
The updated college research papers make it easier for the students to remain in touch with the kind of questions generally asked and the pattern of each paper. This helps them get better geared to prepare for their forthcoming exams. The research papers are also freely accessible at the college libraries.
The source:
The college research papers are designed by professors and students who are dedicated to the cause. They are also professionals proficient in addressing the change in syllabus and marking patterns. The papers from a number of colleges and covering a wide spectrum of subjects, optional and otherwise, are collected and compiled. These compiled versions are then made available under the publishers name and specifically, in accordance to the subjects covered.
The compiling authorities are also responsible to ensure that the information provided covers the existent paradigms of the topics covered within the subject. The subjects covered include research in Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and all the languages offered by the various colleges. The research papers are also made available on optional subjects like extensive Environment Education and Commercial Application.

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Choosing the Right Printer Paper for Your Needs

Many people think that it isn't important what kind of printer paper they use. Paper is paper right? I would have to disagree. First, you need to figure out what you are going to use the paper for. The second thing to determine is the right kind of paper for the kind of printer you own. Not all paper is suitable for all kinds of printers.
When buying printer paper, there are a number of factors to consider. These include the brightness rating, the weight of the paper and the purpose it was designed for. We will consider each of these factors in turn below.
What is the brightness rating?
Brightness of the paper refers to how well the paper reflects light. Many people confuse whiteness with brightness. The higher the brightness rating of a page, the more vibrant and alive the colors printed on it will appear. The brightness rating of the page can make the difference between a dull looking picture and a picture that looks alive and ready to jump off the page. Whiteness refers to the actual shade of color of the paper and how close it is to pure white.
Paper weight - What does it matter?
The paper weight rating is determined by the weight in pounds of a ream of 500 sheets of that particular paper type. In most other countries other than the United States, the weight rating is in grams instead of pounds.
The heavier the paper rating, the thicker and heavier each sheet of paper will be. What does that mean in practical terms? First, the paper will feel more substantial in your hand. The heavier the paper, the stiffer it will feel in your hand. Second, it is less likely to jam in the printer while printing. Third, it tends to feel more professional to the average person. Combining a good paper weight with a high brightness rating makes for a good foundation for printing that important presentation of yours on.
Choosing the right Paper on Purpose
To get the very best results, you choose look to choose paper based on what you plan to do with it. All purpose paper is generally the cheapest kind of paper but it also tends to give you poorer results when printing pictures or color on it. Printer paper designed to go through an inkjet printer will generally preform better on an inkjet printer than general purpose paper will. It is more expensive but the results speak for themselves. Inkjet printer paper is also usually treated with a special coating that will allow the color to stay bright and not simply get absorbed into the paper leading to a dull photo. Remember the purpose of the paper when you make your next paper purchase.
Understanding the paper brightness rating, the paper weight rating and the papers' stated purpose will go a long way towards your being able to get the most from your printer paper now and in the future.

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Sectionalize Online Article Submission Directory Sites - Theory of the Game

One future strategy for a fast growing online article submission directory site might be to sectionalize the web site in such a way that the various articles can be separated. For instance if an article is a scientific article, historical article or pure nonfiction, which can be used for research then it would be on a different section of the site from those simple articles that are merely used to attract targeted traffic to a web site that is selling various knickknacks on the Internet.
The reason an online article submission directory site might do this is so they can have three layers of articles for different levels of readers. It might have articles for the average Internet surfer who wants to read about movie stars, the latest trends and interesting events happening in one section. Then in another section it might have articles that people can use to write class term papers and get information. The final section might be one that has technical papers, research papers or white papers.
The online article submission directory site would make money on click ads on all three sections, but it might have a subscription fee for the final section with the research and white papers. This would increase the possibility of the web site making more revenue.
Another thought along this lines would be to have a section for e-books, which could be downloaded by the customer and the revenue split with the author. By sectionalizing an online article directory submission web site, more revenue could be raised to make it a more a viable economic option. Please consider this in 2006.

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Writing Term Papers - Eliminate the Stress, Grammar and Mechanics

Writing term papers involves many different elements that come together to create the final product. One of those elements is the grammar and mechanics that you use to write your paper.
The grammar and mechanics of writing the English language are quite extensive. They involve many different parts which combine to make complete sentences. The sentences should be structurally correct and express the ideas and concepts that the writer wants to convey to the readers as long as the writer has used the different grammatical parts correctly.
Included among these ideas are subjects, predicates, parts of speech, correct verb tense, subject-verb agreement, run-on sentences, transitions and punctuation. This is not a complete list. It sounds like a lot but once you become familiar with the concepts and the more you practice using them, the easier it will become to use them correctly.
When you are writing term papers, the subject of the sentence is usually the noun or person, place or thing you are talking about in the sentence. The predicate or verb, describes the action of the subject or what's being done in the sentence.
If the subject of the sentence is singular or about one thing, you have to use a singular verb to agree with it. However, if the subject is plural or more than one, then you need to use the plural form of the verb to describe that.
Run-on sentences happen when people keep adding on to the current sentence with the word "and" or other words like because. The longer the sentence becomes, the harder it can be to understand. If a sentence is talking about more than one thing, it has probably become a run-on sentence.
It is usually pretty easy to correct by splitting the run-on sentence into two or more sentences. Sometimes the extra sentence or sentences might need to go to a different paragraph about a different topic. Other times, they can be separate and stand alone in the same paragraph as long as they are part of the current topic.
Writing term papers can be complicated because there are some words in the English language that often get confused and for this reason they can be used incorrectly. Sometimes these words sound alike such as accept/except. Sometimes it can involve three different words like assure/ensure/insure. Once you learn what each individual word means and use it correctly in sentences, that issue will disappear.
Since the English language can be complex in many ways, a dictionary will be your best friend while you are trying to complete your project. It will be useful for correct spelling, for verb forms and verb tense, for correct prefixes and suffixes, for when to use a hyphen in a word and whether or not a word is a compound word or two separate words. The dictionary gives numerous examples. Other useful tools include the thesaurus and a style guide book.
Correct punctuation is another mechanism that can help with the writing and interpretation of your project. Learning when to use which punctuation mark can be stressful for some people. Is it a question or statement? That would require a question mark or a period, respectively. Other punctuation marks include commas, exclamation points, colons, semi-colons, hyphens and quotation marks.
Is a pause required for interpretation or effect? Then you will need a comma. If you are trying to connect two independent clauses, then you need a semicolon. Colons have several different uses but are not used as frequently as semicolons. A good style book will help you to know when it is best to use each one.
When writing term papers, remember to take advantage of all the different tools and resources that are available for your use. These tools can make the job much easier as they guide you through the more difficult areas of the English language so that you can write an exceptional paper.

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